2020. 2. 17. 16:40ㆍ카테고리 없음
Environmental Health and Safety TrainingOur customized training programs help clients develop a highly trained workforce, ensure a safe and compliant workplace, and get the most from of their training investment.Training is not simply a regulatory requirement or a compulsory exercise. A well designed and executed training program is the cornerstone of a strong safety culture that provides a significant return on investment by increasing safety awareness, ensuring compliance, reducing workplace incidents, and ultimately lowering operating costs.ATC’s training programs are based on over 35 years of practical industry experience, and our trainers and curriculum developers are current practicing professionals.
We can meet clients either at one of our 100+ locations across the country or at their sites to perform a thorough training needs assessment to develop a customized training program.By taking the time to understand our clients, their business drivers, and their company cultures, we can provide training that engages and motivates employees. Our unique approach to integrating daily work experiences and routines into the training facilitates increased health and safety awareness, which often leads to higher workplace function, better efficiency, and greater productivity. The true value in our training programs comes from providing an experiential learning component that is critical to curriculum content retention as well as reinforcement of a behavior-based safety program.We offer training courses to suit our clients’ needs, whenever their employees need it. Courses can be conducted during first, second, and third shifts, weekends, and holidays.
Our online training content is available 24/7, year round.ATC is now pleased to offer a number of convenient EHS courses from our on-line training website. The experience you expect and the training support you need is now available wherever and whenever you need it. Course Offerings:. OSHA HAZWOPER and Supervisor Training. OSHA Outreach Training. Asbestos.
Lead-Based Paint. Water Intrusion and Mold. Environmental Site Assessments. Hazardous Waste.
Emergency Response and Safety. Stormwater Management. Industrial Hygiene. Air Permitting.
Atc Programs In Ny Map
Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR). Benzene Waste Operations NESHAPS (BWON). Flares.
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart QQQ. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). UST Class A/B Operator Training. UST Class C Operator Training. Stage II Vapor Recovery Training.
FAA CollegiateTraining InitiativeThe FAA has created a network of partnerships with educational institutions to prepare students to pursue their goal of a career in aviation with the FAA. This effort is known as the Collegiate Training Initiative ( CTI). Successful completion of the degree program(s) mentioned below does not guarantee employment with the FAA, however interested graduates should apply for FAA positions through. Air Traffic — Collegiate Training Initiative ( AT-CTI)AT-CTI schools offer two- and four-year non-engineering aviation degrees that teach basic courses in air traffic control and aviation administration. The AT-CTI program is designed to provide qualified candidates for developmental.Graduates of the AT-CTI program are eligible to bypass the Air Traffic Basics Course, which is the first five weeks of qualification training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City. Academy training consists of option-specific (terminal or en route) initial training. Students must successfully complete all required training at the FAA Academy to continue employment with FAA.
AT-CTI School Listing( PDF) Technical Operations — Collegiate Training Initiative ( TO-CTI)Formerly known as the Airway Facilities Collegiate Training Initiative, the TO-CTI schools provide training and education resources to individuals preparing for aerospace careers, as well as continuing education to current employees. We hire students from CTI schools for entry-level careers such as:. Airway Transportation Systems Specialists (Job Series 2101).
Computer Systems Specialists (Job Series 0334). Electronics Engineers (Job Series 0855). Electronic Technicians (Job Series 0856).
Environmental Protection Specialists (Job Series 0028). Engineering Technicians (Job Series 0802). General Engineers (Job Series 0801)( PDF).